All in Far

Crossing the Arctic Circle

A fascination with the Arctic has been part of me since childhood. Trips to Norway and Greenland finally allowed me to cross the Arctic Circle and experience some of its wonders. Now climate change is rapidly changing both the polar environment and related planetary life support systems. Is it now appropriate to return and travel in the region? If Arctic tourism can be supported, how can this be undertaken in a benign and sustainable way?

Orkney – a place of Neolithic wonder

The Neolithic remains on Orkney Mainland are not only a designated UNESCO Heritage site, but also force the visitor to think more carefully about the complexity and sophistication of the culture and social organisation of the peoples of that time.

Wildlife encounters: fears and wonder

When we come face to face with wildlife in unexpected places or circumstances, our emotional responses can vary from one of fear, to wonderment, uncertainty, or even privilege. Bears, penguins, arctic foxes and whales have all provided moments that have stayed long and vividly in my mind.

La Palma - a quest for a beach!

It was hard to pull ourselves away, so nice was it to feel the warmth of the January sun on the sheltered terrace at the small micro brewery, ‘Cerveceria Isla Verde’, whilst looking out across the fertile volcanic slopes dropping towards the ocean.